Who is the CEO of Bini srl

Luca Giovanni Bini

Luca Giovanni Bini

Chief Excecutive Officer and Sales Manager

I started working in the company as a kid with my father Ugo, when the company was still called Bini Ugo & Figli srl. With our vehicles we travelled the Porrettana State road every day, passing through the village Pracchia, in the middle of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, and then going to our suppliers in Bologna to load waste paper balers, newspapers, cardboards, etc… At the time the city of Bologna was overflowing with copies of the Resto del Carlino’ s newspaper! In those days, the Via Emilia and the Porrettana State road were full of family-run taverns, which offered the delicious handmade tortellini with Bolognese Ragù for a few thousand lire. The world goes on and therefore we too have had to adapt to future challenges. Despite so much effort and so many sacrifices, the pulping sector in the post-war period was growing and was really interesting. I still remember my father going to load paper with a Fiat 615, a small truck that was loaded by hand and of which some of our historic suppliers still have some reminiscence, as well. That truck was so popular that it was called ‘the truck of the economic boom’. What I like about my work is its dynamism and unpredictability. During 40 years of career, I have experienced that the pulping market can change suddenly, from day to day, going through ups and downs. My best career success has been to see our family business exceed 50 years of history. Today it is difficult to imagine my company in such a long time frame in a constantly evolving market such as that of pulping. However, I hope that our family continues to be considered and respected thanks to the fairness and good reputation we have earned with so much effort and industriousness in all the years of activity. And it is precisely this value I also try to pass on to my kids: it is necessary to work with a great sense of duty, always respecting others, even in a competitive and aggressive market such as that of pulping industry.